So recently I joined the Twitter revolution. In case you don't know it is probably best not to get involved. Like Facebook it is highly, highly addictive, and like Facebook you start out not having a clue what is going on but within a few days you are asking yourself how you ever lived without it. I can't stress how dangerous Twitter is!!! Mark my words there will be Twitter support groups popping up all over soon with meetings obviously dictated by who has the venue with the strongest 3G or WiFi connection.
Just today Stephen Fry has kept me updated on pretty much every aspect of his latest overseas trip. He really does nothing much else but Tweet (my lingo might be off) all day long. Ryan Seacrest let me know that Benji Madden wants him to get a tattoo to which Perez Hilton suggested a tattoo of Simon Cowell. John Mayer talks a lot but often I can't quite seem to understand what he is saying. I think he might drink and Tweet but don't quote me. (Dweeting) see below. Ashton and Demi are really cool, Ashton hinted at Bruce's wedding by posting a photo of Demi ironing his suite while bending over in a white bikini. Only put two and two together when he told us how he planned to speak Spanish to the customs officials on return at Miami Airport. Britney Spears is cool and lets us know she is having a ball on the tour.
But seriously besides the celebs it is a great way to keep tabs on friends and family basically in real time. Unlike facebook the people you follow are real and not imposter's. So far I have not come across any Twactor's (someone who pretends to be a real life identity on Twitter). Its truly an amazing tool. Just so you don't worry Lance Armstrong also just let me know he is fine and having a glass of wine at a friends house before going back to the US.
But let me get to the original purpose of this story. So I have been very concerned about the fact that the South African Government have not issued H.H. The Dalai Lama with a visa to attend the 2010 World Cup Peace Conference. So after a few glasses of cheap wine I sent Helen Zilla a Dweet (Tweet sent while drunk) to see what her and the DA's take on the situation is. Imagine my surprise when early the next morning she sent me a Tweet with a link to the DA's official take on the situation. I almost fell out of bed. A BIG UP to Helen Zilla and the DA. Awesome communication with voters.
I got to tell you I was very impressed, so much so that I'm now torn between voting for the DA or COPE. Lets not forget that Mosiuoa Lekota did take the time to send me a birthday message on Facebook.
Anyhow check out Twitter if you dare...
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