Cape Town - The Dalai Lama should not be allowed to raise global issues on South African soil that would impact on the country's standing, Finance Minister Trevor Manuel said on Thursday.
Speaking during a debate at the University of Cape Town, he said not allowing the Dalai Lama into South Africa was "a matter of relations between states".
"To say anything against the Dalai Lama is, in some quarters, equivalent to trying to shoot Bambi," he said.
"Let's put our cards on the table. Who is the Dalai Lama? I've heard him described as a god. I've heard him described as Buddha.
"Is he just the spiritual leader of the Buddhists in Tibet, or is he the one who on March 28, 1969, established a government-in-exile in the same way as Taiwan was established to counter the reality of a single China?"
Manuel said Tibet's history had to be looked at, because the Lamas had been "feudal overlords" in that country.
"The reason why the Dalai Lama wants to be here... is to make a big global political statement about the secession of Tibet from China and he wants to make it on the free soil of South Africa.
"I'm sure he's welcome to come at any other time, but we shouldn't allow him to raise global issues that will impact on the standing of South Africa.
"Quite frankly this has nothing to do with the PSL [Premier Soccer League], it is a matter of relations between states and that's what we have to stand up for."
- SAPA/News24.com
Dear Trevor,
Firstly I want to put on record that I really admire you and in fact I think you are probably the most credible Minister in government today.
A few months ago, I with the rest of South Africa heaved a very, deep sigh of relief when you continued to serve in government after Mbeki. Yes I know your intent to resign was only a matter of due course and respect for the new President but my relief was no less sincere when it was announced you would continue to serve. This is endorsed by the high esteem in which you are held internationally as well as within the South African Business Community.
Imagine my shock when I read the article above on News24.com. It’s on most of the other news sites so I expect it will be a big story in the morning. I have to say you were the last person I expected or thought would agree to deliver the party line to voters. Now that I think about it however in my mind the most credible Ministers in the current cabinet are Finance, Education and Health. So I'm assuming it was a coin toss between you and the Minister of Education as obviously the Minister of Health was not quite in the running.
We obviously know that your remarks at UCT were not off the cuff. Much like the Minister of Health? They were pre scripted and designed to deliver a message. We can only assume that since you did not indicate that these were your personal views that they are the views of Government and the ANC. Yes? No?
The questions you posed were very interesting, and yes I have to say questions I myself have asked. Before I support somebody I really like to know pretty much everything about the candidate. The good, bad and ugly. Very often I go with a view that is not popular but I make sure I research every aspect. You on the other hand pose many questions as to who the Dalai Lama is and his legitimacy yet you offer no viewpoint or conclusion. This is an old ploy to maximise media attention but yet to offer no opinion which could be held against you in the future.
Surly a person as educated as yourself has a very clear view of who the Dalai Lama is and his hereditary/political/religious right?
I do however understand your viewpoint that the 2010 World Cup should not be a platform for political views. However I think it was very naive for government to think that if they sold South Africa as the sparkling light of democracy, African prosperity and success as well as a truly forward thinking economy in order to win the World Cup that minority groups would not try to use the event to voice their opinion.
It’s an acceptable norm for interest groups to be able to voice their opinion in an arena that would afford them maximum media exposure. That's why every protest group on the planet descends on the G8, Davos, Presidential Inaugurations and the odd Royal wedding or two. It’s called Freedom of Speech!
If for example the Pope had been invited, do you not think he would have not taken the opportunity to tell us Africans not to use condoms? Do you think if the Chief Rabbi of Israel was invited he would not comment on Israel’s right to a Jewish homeland? And if in the event Muammar Al- Gaddafi was able to slip in do you not think he would not sprout forth regarding a United States of Africa?
Everybody has an opinion and I think as South Africans we are one of the most authorised populations in the world to be able listen to all sides and then surrender an opinion. What you need to understand is an event such as we are hosting will inevitably become a platform for those seeking a voice. My only regret is that this is something which is obviously not available in the world's most highly regarded democracy. Or so we thought....
What would have made me proud is if the South African government had granted the Dalai Lama his visa and then confronted him with the same questions you posed in your UCT speech. Surely this would have played out 10000% better media wise? IS THAT NOT WHAT TRUE DEMOCRACY IS ALL ABOUT? Everybody gets to be heard?
I have to admire your guts though. Putting up your credibility on the line after Tutu, De Klerk, Mandela, The Nobel Peace Prize Committee, Barbara Hogan, Biko's widow, and a long list of international and local scholars, politicians, social commentators as well as human rights activists have condemned the South African Governments actions. You obviously believe you are right? Yes?
You are the Minister of Finance. What business do you have commenting on an issue such as this? Unless you were asked to? I'm sure you are saying “but what business does Barbara Hogan have commenting.” The difference is you pose questions without answers or a definitive viewpoint. Barbara Hogan has nailed her colours to the mast.
Stick to what you are good at and please try restraining yourself from being used as the most popular political puppet!!!!
The media war has been lost internationally. Charlize Theron was spotted walking though Sandton City today with nothing to do. Queen Rania of Jordan is also supposed to be in town for the conference, lets hope she has had the good sense to flee!!!
This has to be a huge embarrassment to The South African Government? I truly hope you have not been advised by Government communications and PR people because they have miss read the political temperature of most South Africans as well as the international community.
You need to know when to back down!!!! International coverage has turned against you and the Government.
Firstly I want to put on record that I really admire you and in fact I think you are probably the most credible Minister in government today.
A few months ago, I with the rest of South Africa heaved a very, deep sigh of relief when you continued to serve in government after Mbeki. Yes I know your intent to resign was only a matter of due course and respect for the new President but my relief was no less sincere when it was announced you would continue to serve. This is endorsed by the high esteem in which you are held internationally as well as within the South African Business Community.
Imagine my shock when I read the article above on News24.com. It’s on most of the other news sites so I expect it will be a big story in the morning. I have to say you were the last person I expected or thought would agree to deliver the party line to voters. Now that I think about it however in my mind the most credible Ministers in the current cabinet are Finance, Education and Health. So I'm assuming it was a coin toss between you and the Minister of Education as obviously the Minister of Health was not quite in the running.
We obviously know that your remarks at UCT were not off the cuff. Much like the Minister of Health? They were pre scripted and designed to deliver a message. We can only assume that since you did not indicate that these were your personal views that they are the views of Government and the ANC. Yes? No?
The questions you posed were very interesting, and yes I have to say questions I myself have asked. Before I support somebody I really like to know pretty much everything about the candidate. The good, bad and ugly. Very often I go with a view that is not popular but I make sure I research every aspect. You on the other hand pose many questions as to who the Dalai Lama is and his legitimacy yet you offer no viewpoint or conclusion. This is an old ploy to maximise media attention but yet to offer no opinion which could be held against you in the future.
Surly a person as educated as yourself has a very clear view of who the Dalai Lama is and his hereditary/political/religious right?
I do however understand your viewpoint that the 2010 World Cup should not be a platform for political views. However I think it was very naive for government to think that if they sold South Africa as the sparkling light of democracy, African prosperity and success as well as a truly forward thinking economy in order to win the World Cup that minority groups would not try to use the event to voice their opinion.
It’s an acceptable norm for interest groups to be able to voice their opinion in an arena that would afford them maximum media exposure. That's why every protest group on the planet descends on the G8, Davos, Presidential Inaugurations and the odd Royal wedding or two. It’s called Freedom of Speech!
If for example the Pope had been invited, do you not think he would have not taken the opportunity to tell us Africans not to use condoms? Do you think if the Chief Rabbi of Israel was invited he would not comment on Israel’s right to a Jewish homeland? And if in the event Muammar Al- Gaddafi was able to slip in do you not think he would not sprout forth regarding a United States of Africa?
Everybody has an opinion and I think as South Africans we are one of the most authorised populations in the world to be able listen to all sides and then surrender an opinion. What you need to understand is an event such as we are hosting will inevitably become a platform for those seeking a voice. My only regret is that this is something which is obviously not available in the world's most highly regarded democracy. Or so we thought....
What would have made me proud is if the South African government had granted the Dalai Lama his visa and then confronted him with the same questions you posed in your UCT speech. Surely this would have played out 10000% better media wise? IS THAT NOT WHAT TRUE DEMOCRACY IS ALL ABOUT? Everybody gets to be heard?
I have to admire your guts though. Putting up your credibility on the line after Tutu, De Klerk, Mandela, The Nobel Peace Prize Committee, Barbara Hogan, Biko's widow, and a long list of international and local scholars, politicians, social commentators as well as human rights activists have condemned the South African Governments actions. You obviously believe you are right? Yes?
You are the Minister of Finance. What business do you have commenting on an issue such as this? Unless you were asked to? I'm sure you are saying “but what business does Barbara Hogan have commenting.” The difference is you pose questions without answers or a definitive viewpoint. Barbara Hogan has nailed her colours to the mast.
Stick to what you are good at and please try restraining yourself from being used as the most popular political puppet!!!!
The media war has been lost internationally. Charlize Theron was spotted walking though Sandton City today with nothing to do. Queen Rania of Jordan is also supposed to be in town for the conference, lets hope she has had the good sense to flee!!!
This has to be a huge embarrassment to The South African Government? I truly hope you have not been advised by Government communications and PR people because they have miss read the political temperature of most South Africans as well as the international community.
You need to know when to back down!!!! International coverage has turned against you and the Government.
Why of why Trevor did you need to talk out. I really liked you up till this point. I agree with The Camps Bay Times. Don't you know a politacal hot potato when you see it???????
ReplyDeleteFreedom of speech is meant to be free regardless of the political direction from whence it comes.
ReplyDeleteHave we learned nothing from the heinous mistakes of the past? History is a giant and we see further if we sit upon its shoulders...